
Sundays: 8am, 9:15am and 10:30am

Holy Trinity History

150 Years of Church History

1873-2023; 1 Church, 2 Histories

The Spirit of God blows in our world in ways which are often unseen or misunderstood by us. In Catasauqua, that Spirit has been stirring a Lutheran presence since 1852. After 171 years, that Spirit is still alive and well, blowing through a Lutheran Church known as Holy Trinity Memorial. This Spirit calls to us, inspiring us to continue to share our understanding of God, help others through meaningful service, and praise God with open hearts.

The Lutheran presence in Catasauqua is now housed on a property located at the intersections of Fourth and Pine Streets. The beginnings of this church was at another location. Through this churches history, the body of Christ, known as the church in Catasauqua has grown, broken, and reunited. 

In the year 2023, we set out to recognize our history of two churches but always one body. This church began when the good people of German decent erected a site on Howertown Road where God was praised and faith was formed through their native language. In 1873, it was chronicled that faithful Christian “men” wanted to break away from the German Evangelical Lutheran Church so they could hold worship
services in the English language. Of course, with those men came faithful women and children. These people formed what became a new church body incorporated as “The English Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity of Catasauqua, Pa.”  

On January 14, 1873, they held their first regular service in the German
Reform Church of Catasauqua. This new Lutheran presence called their first pastor, The Rev. J. H. Plitt on the first day of July. Under the pastor’s guidance and leadership, the erection of their own church building commenced. This building was dedicated on May 17, 1874 at
the intersection of Bridge and Third Streets. After thirty years of financial and membership growth struggle, the congregation began to flourish.

Twenty years into their days of plenty, this English Evangelical Lutheran
Church of the Holy Trinity observed their fiftieth anniversary. On November 7, 1923, a congregational reunion was held. The Reverend J. F. Lambert of St Paul’s Lutheran Church attended this reunion. As Rev Lambert recognized the one body of Christ, he sent greetings and well wishes from this congregation’s original church.

Three years after the fiftieth celebration, the Spirit called this congregation to a new worship site. On Sunday September 12, 1926, the new building was opened and a week-long “feast of dedication” was held. During the construction of the new church building, the congregation decided to change their name. We still gather under that name- Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church