
Sundays: 8am, 9:15am and 10:30am

This Week


                                                                                             Monday, Dec. 9th

                                                                                                 9am Choir Rehearsal

10am God Conversation

1pm Property Team

7pm Scouts


Tuesday, Dec. 10th

7pm Music and Worship


      Wednesday, Dec. 11th

4pm Warm up Wed’s

5pm Karaoke/Game night

6pm Sound Bath

6:30 Cub Scouts


     Thursday, Dec. 12th

10am Bible Study

6pm Community Bell

7pm Community Choir


       Saturday, Dec. 14th

4:30 Braised Filet Mignon in wine Dinner


          Sunday, Dec. 15th

        8am Spoken worship

       9:15am Conversational

     10:30 Communion