604 4th Street • Catasauqua, PA 18032
Office: 610-264-2641
Hours: 9am – 2pm M-Th

The Reverend Brian S Riedy is married to Kimberly. They are the parents of Alyssa and Jacob. Pr Brian was a chef prior to seminary. His shift in vocation sees him serving physical bread one day to serving the spiritual bread of life, known to us as Christ. the next day.
Michael Fister. our church musician, has been continuously playing in area churches since the age of fifteen. A graduate of Moravian College (University) and Temple University, he resides in Catasauqua with his wife, Barbara. He is the father of Sarah and Patty. He teaches music in the Northampton Area School District.
604 4th Street • Catasauqua, PA 18032
Office: 610-264-2641
Hours: 9am – 2pm M-Th